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  • Celia Jenkins

Second Place in Writing Magazine Competition

Hi everyone, more good news from the writing world of Celia.

I've been subscribing to the Writing Magazine for a few months now and have entered a number of their competitions. As it takes a few months for everything to be processed as the competition is judged, these last few weeks have brought the deadline for finding out if I've won anything in those first few competitions I entered. I am absolutely thrilled to say that one of the first entries I submitted won second place!

The competition was the First Line Short Story Competition where they provided the first line of the story, and a word count (1,500 - 1,700 words). I thought quite a while before I came up with an idea from this story - with the first line provided, there were so many different approaches to take! I was quite pleased with the finished story, but wasn't in any way sure I'd win a prize. Sometime I submit something and I think Yep, that's brilliant, I'm a winner for sure and then nothing comes of it, and this time I was thinking Well I enjoyed writing it and it came second! Just goes to show that you never can tell what it is that the judges are looking for - something that catches their eye, captures their imagination, little things that you can't jot down in the competition brief.

My name has been mentioned in the current edition of the magazine, and the story is published on their website. You can read my story here, and also read the judges comments which are brilliant!

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