Prompt: Today, we’d like to challenge you to write – without consulting the book – a poem that recounts the plot, or some portion of the plot, of a novel that you remember having liked but that you haven’t read in a long time.
Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Though named for stars
She was sunshine, lightness,
Bright as a clear, quiet morning.
Intrusive as sunlight
Finding its way through every crack,
Bringing warmth, slowly,
As to a rock
Left out in the
Arizona sun.
She had the rodent
But he was mousey,
No voice
No opinions
Squeak squeak
Not even about her.
Disbelieving, squint-eyed,
Their lives collide.
And his are opened wide.
Wonder. Mystery
As never before,
A life he didn't know
You could dare to live.
But hers, gradually,
Gaze drawn down
To the baked dust ground,
The starlight flickers,
Fades, her sparkle
Until she breaks herself free
From him, from them,
Be herself again.
Flying like a porcupine neckerchief
On the wind.

Look at that, day 1 of #NaPoWriMo2024 and I've written a poem to the prompt. A glimmer at the end of the tunnel of my writing hiatus.
I loved Stargirl when it came out. I loved it so much that I never read the sequel, because it had already ended perfectly and I didn't need to know what came next. When I read the poetry prompt, the bright pink cover of the edition I still have jumped into my mind. And here we are. Happy NaPoWriMo and ganbatte to the poets.